Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Begin with Yes Newsletter: Summer 2011

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The Message in a Bottle

Ellen DeGeneres has never heard of Begin with Yes, but some days I think she could have written the book.  I am a big fan, and a quick look at her talk show ratings tells me I am not alone.  But for me, it’s more than being a fan.  Her life has impacted me in a much more personal way, which I’ll tell you about in a minute.
But first, I know most people love Ellen because of her easy-going, sometimes quirky sense of humor and her ability to make us laugh so easily.  But I also think there’s another more significant reason we’re drawn to her.  Like most of us, she has had her share of difficult times, and we are inspired by the way she has faced them:  head on, staying true to self, maintaining that wonderful sense of humor and always believing that things could and would get better.     
Several years ago when Ellen “came out” on her sitcom (and in real life too), her career took a nose dive. Advertisers backed away, the ratings went into a free fall and her once popular television show was abruptly cancelled.  And although there had to be some anger, fear and hurt to slow her down, it clearly never stopped her.  One step at a time she kept moving forward.  And like many of you, Ellen didn’t just happen to get to a better place, she actually rolled up her sleeves and figured out how to create one.    

Those of you who know me, or have read Begin with Yes or are on the Begin with Yes Facebook page know that I believe we are more powerful than we may think.  I also know how important it is to keep taking those small steps forward, even when we’re overwhelmed, depressed, heartbroken, disappointed or just plain stuck. 

What you may have suspected but not known until now, is that I have also had my own share of ups and downs, difficult streaks, and even challenging years.  I won’t burden you with all the details, but I do think it’s important for you to know that my sense of optimism and hope didn’t come from having a life that always unfolded easily.  Rather, it came from my gradual understanding that much of the unfolding was actually up to me.  I often write or speak to groups about what I’m learning along the way, and here are just a few relevant thoughts:    

I’ve learned that we don’t always feel like it, or even feel up to it, but we still need to get out of bed and get on with our day. 
I’ve learned that positive attitudes count, but if you want to make something good happen, positive actions count more. 
I've learned that we may not call all the shots, but we damn well call many of them. And those are the ones we need to focus on first.
And most of all, I’ve learned that deciding who to welcome in to our lives is one of the most important decisions we’ll ever make.  So we need to choose wisely--and lovingly.   

And if you’re reading this, you probably already know that the people I’ve invited in to my life are people who have faced challenges and disappointments, but who have figured out how to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and get on with their lives.  I’ve invited people in who I may never meet face-to-face, but who have been open, willing and brave enough to meet me heart-to-heart.  And finally, I’ve welcomed in people who have discovered that although it often feels like we’re a world of many separate waves, when we join together, we understand deeply that we’re really all just part of a bigger ocean.    

And ironically, it’s those ocean waves that have brought a message in a bottle for me to share.  And here it is:  Thank you Ellen, for showing me how to come out with a little class.  And thanks to each one of you for welcoming me in, with so much love.  And now I’m going to practice what I preach and put that message in the bottle back into the ocean and figure out my next small step!
With all good vibes!

Before I write another word, I want to thank you for being part of the Begin with Yes community, for signing up for the newsletter, and for taking a few precious minutes to read through this update.
Our Facebook page has been growing faster than ever, and we’re getting close to 6,000 friends. It’s an active, vibrant, high-energy group, brimming with positivity, and I appreciate every single “Like” and read and am inspired by every single comment. I know there are a million Facebook pages out there and I am thankful that you choose to spend a little time each day with ours.

I especially want to thank those of you who have taken the additional step of signing up for this newsletter. You are the very essence of Begin with Yes, and have been with me from the beginning, and I will always be grateful to you!

And with that said, let’s turn to some Begin with Yes news:

Coming Soon, Begin with Yes: The Guided Imagery CD!
Many of you have read Begin with Yes and already taking steps toward your goals. Are you ready for a quantum leap? In just a few weeks, we’ll be releasing a brand new Begin with Yes guided imagery CD designed to help you tap into your innate wisdom, create positive expectations while releasing any limiting beliefs that are slowing you down or holding you back.

Begin with Yes principles that have hopefully helped you achieve your goals and will soon be available in a Guided Imagery recording to help you align your subconscious thoughts with your actions to create the changes and results you’re striving for.

Developed in collaboration with Sharon M. O’Connor, RN, CHT, who has a guided imagery and hypnotherapy practice in the NH  seacoast. Formerly an ER nurse, she studied hypnotherapy and began to witness the profound changes that happen when stress is reduced and optimism is increased.  

Here’s a link to her website to find out more about Sharon and her work: http://acmswellness.com/.

Saying "Yes" to MOTIVATED Magazine
I was recently asked to write an article for MOTIVATED magazine.  It will be in the newest issue about to hit newsstands in Canada and the U.S.  Here's a blurb from the magazine's communications director: 
Ever wondered what the secret to making things happen is? Paul’s figured it out (it’s not what you think) and he’s ready to share it with YOU!

A publication that encourages readers to rise to their fullest potential and pair their passion with purpose, MOTIVATED Magazine is thrilled to welcome Paul Boynton to its growing list of contributors – the likes of which include Bill Clinton, Deepak Chopra, Sir Richard Branson, Steve Wozniak, and many, many more.
Addressing anyone who’s been stuck in a rut or wondering how exactly to achieve their goals, Paul teams up with MOTIVATED, sharing his Begin With Yes philosophy in fall’s Optimism issue to get the wheel rolling and you moving in the direction of your dreams.

So what are you waiting for? Join the MOTIVATED movement and say “Yes” today!  Click the image to subscribe.

Yes on the Radio
I am really excited to share that Begin with Yes, the radio show, will debut this September on Empower Radio. It will be a weekly call-in talk show and I’m hoping I will get to chat with many of my Facebook friends about challenges and opportunities, and making things happen one step at a time. (If you’d like to be a caller, please send me a note at beginwithyes@comcast.net and we’ll make it happen!) 

I will be able to tell you more soon, including the schedule and first broadcast date and time. But for now, check out Empower Radio, http://www.empoweradio.com/home/ and all the wonderful shows already available, and add the link to your favorites. Be talking with you you soon!

Yes Notes

Begin with Tumblr
I've been compiling my Facebook posts on Tumblr for easy perusal.  Feel free to check it out at http://beginwithyes.tumblr.com.

Got a Nook?  Give the Book a Look!
Begin with Yes is now available for the Barnes and Noble Nook.  Visit the Begin with Yes Store to purchase! (Also available in Kindle and soft cover.)

Our Facebook Community Continues to Grow
Our Facebook Page has been a social media sensation, with nearly 6,000 like-minded realistic optimists gathering to discuss what it means to have a Begin with Yes attitude.  We've got folks from all walks of life, from every corner of the globe!  Consider "liking" our page and join the momentum!  http://www.facebook.com/beginwithyes.

Don't Forget About the Main Site Either
Beginwithyes.com is the HQ of all things Yes, where you can find articles, multimedia and our store.  Check out the new "contact me" button.  I'd love to connect with you!
Thanks again for saying yes and signing up to receive the Begin with Yes newsletter. You already know how powerful the ripple effect is, and I hope you will take one more moment to share this message in a bottle with a friend or family member you think might appreciate a message of positive thoughts and positive actions.

And until we meet again, here’s a little funky Trombone Shorty traveling music:


Begin with Yes
See what people are saying!  Read the reviews at Amazon! 


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